Montag, März 21, 2011

USA: Schwuler zu Tode gesteinigt

Udo Ulfkotte und Henryk Broder, übernehmen Sie:

A 70-year-old man was beaten to death with a rock stuffed in a sock after he allegedly made unwanted sexual advances towards a friend.

John Thomas, 28, from Philadelphia, told police he killed Murray Seidman because the Bible refers to the stoning of homosexuals.

According to a criminal complaint, Thomas hit his victim 10 times in the head and then checked to make sure he was dead.

It said: 'John Thomas stated that he read in the Old Testament that homosexuals should be stoned in certain situations.

'The answer John Thomas received from his prayers was to put an end to the victim's life.

(...) Landsdown Police chief Dan Kortan said: 'He is a deeply religious man. Or so he says.'

im gehässigen Tonfall der Islamophoben gesprochen: Jaja, das Christentum, die "Religion der Liebe" ... *kotz*

im selben Tonfall, nur noch eine Nummer fieser: "Aber aber aber ... das hat doch sicher nichts mit dem Christentum zu tun" ... *totlach* ... WIE LANGE WOLLEN WIR DIESES CHRISTELPACK EIGENTLICH NOCH IN DEUTSCHLAND TOLERIEREN??????!!!!!!!11

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