Freitag, Dezember 31, 2010

Wölfinnen im Schafspelz

Einer der Gründe, weshalb die Männerrechtsbewegung und die Feminismuskritiker nicht zu stoppen sein werden, ist, dass es sich längst um eine internationale Bewegung handelt. Es gibt entsprechende Gruppen in so unterschiedlichen Ländern wie Tschechien, Israel und Indien. Aber auch jenseits der politischen Bewegung wird weltweit an sexistischen Klischees über den Täter Mann und das Opfer Frau gerüttelt, bis sie zerbrechen. Aktuell belegt das ein Artikel über Missbrauchstäterinnen, der in einem australischen Magazin über die Situation in Neuseeland veröffentlicht wurde:

Female child abusers are the 21st century equivalent of lesbians in the Victorian age: not legislated against because they do not exist. The nature of woman being incapable of “deviancy”, as the bigoted Victorians said. Hence in New Zealand, the Accident Compensation Corporation was unable to accept claims from boys sexually abused by women, until the law changed in 2005. Prior to that the perpetrator of “sexual indecency” had to be male.

However, statistics indicate that female child abusers not only exist, but in numbers approaching those of males. In New Zealand, 48 per cent of child abusers for 2006, where the perpetrator gender was known, were women. In the USA in 2002 63 per cent of all child abuse, from neglect to sexual abuse, was perpetrated by the mother. In 40 per cent of cases the mother acted alone.

(...) A 2005 study by the New Zealand Department of Corrections says that violent and sexual offending by women “has been avoided or neglected because it challenges fundamental beliefs about women as nurturers, protectors and as victims of violence”.

Former New Zealand MP, Marc Alexander, a campaigner for victim's rights and a published author on the criminal justice system, has been criticised when speaking out about female abusers: “Often when I've talked about this issue in the past I get accused of women-bashing or deflecting from the vast majority of child abuse cases which are perpetrated by men.”

However, Clearwater notes that there has been a significant shift since MSSAT started in 1995. Clearwater comments: “Abuse at the hands of a woman is not the dirty little secret it used to be. I can now sit in a room of women working for Rape Crisis and talk about male victims. I've also noticed that the language has changed. Perpetrators as well as victims are now referred to as he\she in new editions of books about sexual abuse, whereas before there was always the assumption the perpetrator was male and the victim female.”

Der Artikel ist (mal wieder) in Gänze lesenswert.

Alice Schwarzer gehört zu den Feministinnen, die in ihren Büchern den Anteil von weiblichen Sexualverbrechern gerne auf fast null herunterrechnen. Und gegen die Männerrechtsbewegung wird aktuell ziemlich massiv die Propaganda gefahren, dass es ihr um den Erhalt irgendwelcher "patriarchalen Privilegien" ginge ("Privilegien" wie als Opfer sexueller Gewalt komplett unsichtbar zu bleiben). Beide Strategien beginnen schon jetzt zu scheitern.