Dienstag, Dezember 07, 2010

FBI-Spitzel aus Moschee geworfen – weil er zu radikal war

Ein V-Mann der amerikanischen Bundespolizei versuchte, Muslime zu radikalisieren, um sie bei Erfolg zu denunzieren. Nur leider ging die Sache nach hinten los:

The spying game wasn't all it was cracked up to be for Craig Monteilh, a convicted criminal recruited by the FBI to investigate the march of radical Islam into Southern California. His endless talk of violent "jihad" so alarmed worshippers at the local mosque, that they took out a restraining order against him.

Monteilh spent 15 months pretending to be Farouk al-Aziz, a French Syrian in search of his religious roots. He prayed five times a day at the Islamic Centre in Irvine, Orange County, wearing white robes with a camera hidden in one of its buttons, and carried a set of car keys that contained a secret listening device.

The enthusiastic attempt to catch local Muslims discussing terror campaigns backfired, however, when community leaders went to the police with fears that the suddenly devout young man, who got up to pray at 4am, had become a radical in their midst.

Der britische Independent berichtet.